Family Resources

Family-owned for four generations, Welch Senior Living is committed to helping seniors and their families make the best decisions about housing and care options. These family resources are designed to simplify the process and lead to the best possible family decision.

Senior Living Decision Process

Whether you are just beginning to consider senior living options or you are ready to make the transition to your new home, this timeline of suggestions can help your family stay on the same page.

Making the Move

Making the Move

Learn how Welch Senior Living can help simplify the process and reduce the stress of moving.

What to Bring

What to Bring

Learn how Welch Senior Living can help simplify the process and reduce the stress of moving.

Paying for Senior Living

Paying for Senior Living

Learn about potential resources for addressing the cost of senior living.

Consumer Guide

Consumer Guide

Download Massachusetts Office of Elder Affairs publication Assisted Living in Massachusetts: A Consumer Guide.

Cost Comparison

Cost Comparison Guides

Whether you’re looking for a cooperative ownership community or a monthly rental apartment, our cost comparison guides show you how cost-effective senior living can be.

Veterans’ Benefits

If you have served in the United States military, you may be entitled to receive housing benefits.



We know you have questions, and we’re here to help. Find the answers you need to common questions about senior living.